Whooping cough ( Pertussis ) is an acute ,infectious com-
municable disease affecting the respiratory tracts . An infection is the en-
try , development and multiplications of an infective organism in our body.
Community disease is an illness due to a infective agent or organism or
the toxic effects of its .
Here in pertussis patient may suffer from spasmodic cough
with sneezing , difficulty of respiration and a slight fever . The disease is
more affecting children's with in five years old , mostly in cold seasons .
The causative organism is Hemophilia Pertussis ( Boretella Pertussis ) .This
is a small , gram - negative , coacoid bacteria . It must reside in a host ei-
ther small groups or single . It grows at an optimal temperature 35-037
degree centi grade .
On examination the respiratory tract from naso pharynx to
bronchi is enlarged and necrotising . Inflammations of the tracheo bronch-
ial lymphoid tissue leading to those parts producing a severe BOUT OF
COUGH in the first stage . In the second week the cough is paroxysmal.
always in full of cough with mucous and vomiting . The glottis becomes
inflamed and ulcerated : so bleeding tendency like haemophtysis , epitaxis ,
intestinal hemorrhage etc. can be seen . After one month the cough bec-
omes frequent and the sputum is less tenacious .
Now , in this stage he patient feels well and feels appetite and
takes foods . The incubation period is 2-3 weeks . The whooping cough
spreading by droplet infections and the immunity lasts from the first infe-
ction .The blood check up showing white blood corpuscles very high , the
lymphocytes at about 90% . Positive droplet culture shows the diagnosis
Even the disease is not serious we have to take the treatment in well-
since there may be complications like Pneumonia , Otitis media ,Meningit-
is etc. . At the first and second stage the patient is allowed a ventilated
room with solid foods -- better after a paroxysmal cough . If we follow
Allopathic Medicines starting a general Antibiotic with a symptomatic co-
ugh syrup is enough to follow .
Prophylaxis of Modern Medicine is giving Triple Antigen - Intra-
muscular Injections of 1 ml with an intervel of 4 weeks only 3 Injections .
If following Homoeopathic Medicines have to think the followi-
ng Medicines : And select one- but varies -- " The patient is the Medicine'.
In case of Prophylaxis of Homoeopathic Medicine : Even not
allowing a specific Medicine for a specific disease ; the most
acceptable are:
1 . Drossera Rotundifolia
2 .Pertussis
3 .Vaccininum
4 .Carbo vegetabilis
5 .Cuprum metallicum
Dr. Hahnemann- The Founder of Homoeopathy says in HIS
"Materia Medica Pura " -
" One single dose of DROSSERA 30 POTENCY is suffici-
ent to CURE entirely epidemic whooping cough . The cure
takes place surely between seven and eight days . Never gi-
ve a second dose immediately after the first , it would not
only prevent good effect of the former , but would be inju-
rious "
Ref; " Allen's Keynotes and characteristics with Nosodes".
Never take a Medicine without your Doctor ,
Healthy Turns of Life....
Whooping cough ( Pertussis ) is an acute ,infectious com-
municable disease affecting the respiratory tracts . An infection is the en-
try , development and multiplications of an infective organism in our body.
Community disease is an illness due to a infective agent or organism or
the toxic effects of its .
Here in pertussis patient may suffer from spasmodic cough
with sneezing , difficulty of respiration and a slight fever . The disease is
more affecting children's with in five years old , mostly in cold seasons .
The causative organism is Hemophilia Pertussis ( Boretella Pertussis ) .This
is a small , gram - negative , coacoid bacteria . It must reside in a host ei-
ther small groups or single . It grows at an optimal temperature 35-037
degree centi grade .
On examination the respiratory tract from naso pharynx to
bronchi is enlarged and necrotising . Inflammations of the tracheo bronch-
ial lymphoid tissue leading to those parts producing a severe BOUT OF
COUGH in the first stage . In the second week the cough is paroxysmal.
always in full of cough with mucous and vomiting . The glottis becomes
inflamed and ulcerated : so bleeding tendency like haemophtysis , epitaxis ,
intestinal hemorrhage etc. can be seen . After one month the cough bec-
omes frequent and the sputum is less tenacious .
Now , in this stage he patient feels well and feels appetite and
takes foods . The incubation period is 2-3 weeks . The whooping cough
spreading by droplet infections and the immunity lasts from the first infe-
ction .The blood check up showing white blood corpuscles very high , the
lymphocytes at about 90% . Positive droplet culture shows the diagnosis
Even the disease is not serious we have to take the treatment in well-
since there may be complications like Pneumonia , Otitis media ,Meningit-
is etc. . At the first and second stage the patient is allowed a ventilated
room with solid foods -- better after a paroxysmal cough . If we follow
Allopathic Medicines starting a general Antibiotic with a symptomatic co-
ugh syrup is enough to follow .
Prophylaxis of Modern Medicine is giving Triple Antigen - Intra-
muscular Injections of 1 ml with an intervel of 4 weeks only 3 Injections .
If following Homoeopathic Medicines have to think the followi-
ng Medicines : And select one- but varies -- " The patient is the Medicine'.
In case of Prophylaxis of Homoeopathic Medicine : Even not
allowing a specific Medicine for a specific disease ; the most
acceptable are:
1 . Drossera Rotundifolia
2 .Pertussis
3 .Vaccininum
4 .Carbo vegetabilis
5 .Cuprum metallicum
Dr. Hahnemann- The Founder of Homoeopathy says in HIS
"Materia Medica Pura " -
" One single dose of DROSSERA 30 POTENCY is suffici-
ent to CURE entirely epidemic whooping cough . The cure
takes place surely between seven and eight days . Never gi-
ve a second dose immediately after the first , it would not
only prevent good effect of the former , but would be inju-
rious "
Ref; " Allen's Keynotes and characteristics with Nosodes".
Never take a Medicine without your Doctor ,
Healthy Turns of Life....
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