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          Hypertension is persistent  elevation of  Systolic and Diastolic blood pressure .Blood pressure is usually measured by using Mercury-Spygmomanometer. The average blood pressure rate is 120/80 mm-of Hg .The blood pressure-Hypertension is defined systolic BP 140 OR higher and diastolic BP of 90mmHg OR higher.
         Hypertension leads to damage of main organs Heart , Brain ,Kidneys ,Blood vessels etc. Aetiologically Primary and Secondary .In primary ( Essential) no obvious precipitating factors and  includes at about 90-95% of patients. At about 50% patients are not knowing the state of the condition . They reach at Hospital when he is on Hypertension in a collapsed condition.He is fatigue,dizziness ,headache and anxiety .Some times throbbing head ache felt in sub-occipital regions leading to Hypertension or in sleep especially in morning .
          In secondary hypertension  some times continuation of primary essential hypertension .Renal changes-Acute and Chronic glomerulonephritis ,  chronic phylo- nephritis ,renal stones , Tumors of kidney,Toxemia of pregnancy etc. Also extra renal changes such as Cohn's syndrome , Cushing syndrome etc. The main pathological process occurs in heart ,blood vessels etc.

      In Malignant Hypertension where blood pressure above 220/130 mm of Hg - heredity , obesity , emotional upset , psychological disturbances , neurological pre-dispositing facters  leads to hypertension .
Once the malignant phase set in: the prognosis is very bad  caused by ischemic heart disease , cardiac failure,cerebrovascular disease or renal failure .Complications are aggravated  smokers ,age above 60years,family history of cardiovascular disease .In hypertension  generally the patient is nervousness ,palpitation ,fatigue by a slight work ,insomnia and blindness ,vertigo ,transient paralytics etc.
         Usually age above 40-60 years  especially males are affected than females .The grade of hypertension
depends up on diastolic blood pressure-Mild ,Moderate ,Severe and Gross .Also hypertensive Retinopathy  should be noted- Type 1, Type 11, Type 111 and Type 1V . The patient may suffer from  haematemesis ,
malaena , haemoptysis etc.The main complications are Angina- pectoris ,Nephro-sclerosis , Hypertensive encephalopathy etc.
         The patient is advised  for physical and mental Rest , salt restricted food and food control , sedative drugs if needs : and well followed treatment.    
       Remember: Hypo tension_diminished blood pressure .

                             Homoeopathic Medicines :
          Yellow Jasmine  ;             Loganiacea
2.Digitalis purpurea
          Foxglove          :              Scrophulariacea
3.Rauwolfia serpentina Mother Tinture

              An Indian Medicine  :( Homoepathy)
4.Cactus grandiflorus spinulosus
               Night-blooming cereus :    Cactacea
5.Conium  maculatum
               Poison hemlock :               Umbelliferae
 6.Phosphorus :                            The element
7.Aurum metallicum  :                   The element
         Metallic gold
8.Veratrum viride  :                          Melanthacea
         White American Hellebore
9.Tabacum :               Solanacea
10.Baryta muriatica      
                                       Barium chloride
                                                                                        Do not self treat
                                                                   Healthy Turns of Life....


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